Saturday, March 28, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Helping Students With Math Puzzles in Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Helping Students With Math Puzzles in Organic ChemistryA growing number of students, adults and students are exploring the opportunity to have an organic chemistry tutor to take their assignments in organic chemistry. There are a variety of reasons that the traditional professor is less than ideal for an assignment such as this. Perhaps the biggest one is that the instructor will probably not be able to help with the variables.The instructor will probably be limited to teaching the class in modern physics, chemistry and calculus. They will also probably not be able to help with the importance of understanding the various concepts that apply in organic chemistry. For example, the instructor will not be able to help you understand the different kinds of compounds and their functions. They also may not be able to assist you in the chemistry of the structures.In other words, the organic chemistry tutor is not the student's personal guide through the class. They are more like a tour guide to help you through the classroom and into the lab.This is all well and good if you happen to have a physical chemistry professor or a local instructor who can help you with the different systems of equations and symbols that will be required for lab assignments. If you do not, the other alternative is to seek out a tutor who offers a specific system of equations and symbol sets for the organic chemistry class that you need help with. Organic chemistry is typically a very confusing class, so a mentor that specializes in helping students on a particular task will be invaluable to you.Even if your instructor does not offer a mentor for your class, you may want to consider looking into the use of a private tutor. These tutors will usually be helpful in many different ways. They will know which problems you need help with and they will most likely be able to give you free suggestions on how to solve them. You may also want to check out online training material to get additional information on learning organic chemistry.You may find that the recommended system of equations that you need help with is really the most effective in the majority of cases. If you learn to rely on the teacher's knowledge, you may be left disappointed with your inability to understand the systems of equations that you need help with. If you do find an organic chemistry tutor system of equations that works for you, then the odds are much greater that you will be able to solve a number of assignments. On the other hand, if you only learn one set of equations that fits for the assignment, you may find that the homework is more difficult to complete.The best solution to this dilemma is to have the organic chemistry tutor that can help you solve the assignment. They will also provide you with information on how to properly study and learn the concepts that you need to comprehend organic chemistry. By consulting with a tutor, you will find that you will be able to get the most out of your studies and that you will be successful in your classes.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learn a Language Through Songs Rockin Tools and Tips

Learn a Language Through Songs Rockin Tools and Tips Learn a Language Through Songs: Rockin Tools and Tips Madonna once sang, Music makes the people come together.Theres a lot of truth to that.Music is a cornerstone of culture, and so songs have been written in every language since the birth of speech itself.What might once have been people gathered round the fire now has a 21st-century feel, as individuals the world over get their aural fix over the worldwide web.As you may already suspect, this is great for your language learning.But how exactly can you use this modern musical phenomenon to your advantage?And why should songs form part of your journey to fluency? How Can Songs Help You Learn a Language?Theyre catchy!Theres a reason that annoying song you heard on the radio is stuck so firmly in your head. Melodies are excellent memory tools. Whether its Pachelbels Canon in D or Taylor Swifts Blank Space,  a good, simple melody can be paired with words and make them a lot easier to keep in mind. In fact, many experts even recommend language learners put words theyre trying to learn to simple tunes.Whats more, modern music tends to have a set, repetitive structure. Verses and choruses repeat phrases and words, so listening to them helps to drill vocabulary into your mind. Meanwhile, rhyme patterns help you remember pronunciation and memorize groups of words that fit together. (A very well-used example for Spanish learners is Manu Chaos  Me gustas túâ€"a Peruvian friend calls it the vocabulary song.)Finally, if you find songs you like, you can listen to them again and again, learning a little more each time.They provide contextWhether its a love song, a political anthem or a dance tune, songs have themes. They give  crucial context  to the language youre learning. Unlike lists of vocabulary, which are hard to absorb into your language usage, once you get the gist of a song, you know that all the words you learn from it will be related to it. This hugely increases your chances of being able to use that language in the future.Theyre a cultural adventureMusic is a cr ucial part of any culture, and cultural understanding is a hugely important element of language learning. This insight can help give meaning to your language studyâ€"as well as give you something to talk about!We all love to discover new musicâ€"why not kill two birds with one stone?Learn a Language Through Songs: Rockin Tools and TipsGetting Going: Finding Target-language SongsOn board? Great! Heres how to get startedChoose your songs wiselyThe key tip is this: Pick music that you like. This might sound obvious, but its tempting to just pick the first songs in your target language you come across. However, theres no point in forcing yourself to listen to thrash metal or soporific ballads if they arent your thingâ€"you wont enjoy them and you wont be motivated to keep listening. If you like rap or rock n roll in your native tongue, start with these in your target language!(A personal tip: I really like listening to rap music in foreign languages. Its rhythmicâ€"which helps you to le arn about stress patternsâ€"a mix of spoken and sung words and incredibly varied in theme. Check out  La vuelta al mundo  by Calle 13 if youre a Spanish learner, or  Goldfisch  by Fiva if youre trying to pick up German.)Just like with any listening material you would use to support your language study, make sure to pitch it right for your level. If youre an advanced learner, a childrens lullaby is unlikely to teach you much; however, if there are no words you understand at all in the songs you pick, youll struggle to make progress.Get your resources rightMusic is everywhere, but in a digital world its important to be savvy in what you use to find your optimal tunes. Here are some recommendations:The best source of song recommendations is native speakers of the language. Ask friends or people online what they listen to and try it out. If you dont yet have any connections with native speakers, its really easy to find them. For online connections, try Speaky; if youd rather meet people face-to-face, Meetup often has groups that do language exchanges or gatherings for specific language and culture groups. Theres nothing like listening to some tunes over a drink or a meal!FluentU is an ideal resource for finding and learning through target-language music. Its built on the idea that authentic video content is a fantastic way to learn a languageâ€"and this includes lots of music videos complete with optional interactive captions and built-in learning tools. You can also follow FluentUs language blogs for some great song and additional resource recommendations like these:15 Free Sites for Downloading Chinese Songs7 Hit Spanish Songs Youve Gotta Download8 Catchy French Songs Youve Gotta Download ASAP8 German Rap Songs for Mastering the Language Like a Boss  Invest in an account with a music streaming service like Spotify. I use it to create playlists of music for each language Im learning; this means I can always find my tracks and add to it as I get new recommendation s. The other great thing about Spotify is that you can use the Radio feature to get recommendations based on individual songs or artists. Find something you like, listen to related songs and populate your playlist!Go onto YouTube and search for playlists in your target language. In the modern world, people share all sorts of curated content. For example, you could listen to a list of Disney songs in French, a collection of Swahili music or a playlist filled with Russian rock. These are easy to find! Simply:Search for what you want to find, e.g., Spanish rock songs.Click Filter.Under Type, choose Playlist.Listen and enjoy!Prefer to listen in person? Depending on where you live this could be tricky, but planning a trip to a festival in a target language country is a great motivatorâ€"and will give you a chance to hear loads of different artists as well as give you ideas for music to look up ahead of time, all while meeting people with a shared interest. Time Out has a huge list to sta rt with.Making the Most of It: How to Learn with SongsGot your playlist ready? Already on your way to being a musical multilinguist? Great! Heres some advice to help you make the most of it.Sing out loud!As youre starting to get the words of the songs, sing them out loud! This will fix them in your mind and improve your speaking as well as your listening.If you play a little piano or guitar, look up the chords online and learn to play them, impressing your friends as you go.If not, what could be better than a little karaoke? YouTube is the place to go againâ€"simply search the name of your song of choice and karaoke and theres a good chance someone has created a voiceless version with all the lyrics on the screen. Invite your study buddies round and have a foreign-language karaoke party!Write out lyricsAs youre listening, try writing out the lyrics as you understand them. This will help you remember the words and also help you to build an understanding of the meaning of tricky phras es. Once youve got most of a song but there are a few gaps, you can look them up onlineâ€"although remember that lyric sites like AZLyrics are user-created, so do make mistakes!Do your dialect researchThe biggest drawback (or exciting challenge!) of using pop music can be that, in a medium designed for native speakers, specific slang, dialects or strong accents can slip in. For example, I was bemused about not being able to understand a single word in a specific verse of Articolo 31s  Gente che spera until a native Italian speaker told me it was in the Neapolitan dialectâ€"essentially a different language!The upside of this is that, once you get used to what youre listening to, youll hear a much broader and richer range of language than you might find in a textbook.The best thing to do is a little background researchâ€"Wikipedia, anyone?â€"to find out both where a target language singer or band is from and what the dialectic differences to expect in your target languages are. For ex ample, if youre learning English from a Scottish band, you know its possible that some Scots dialect might slip inâ€"very different from Standard English!Join fan forumsRemember, every great band has great fans. Participate in fan forums onlineâ€"nowadays mostly found on social media, like Twitter or Facebook. (One example is Japanese duo  Ego-Wrappins Facebook page.) Use these resources to connect with other fans, allowing your newfound hobby to expand your language horizons yet further. This may also give you a few new songs to listen toIs there a more fun way to study than to learn a language through songs? Happy singing, dancingâ€"and learning!

How to Make my Tutoring Profile more Attractive

How to Make my Tutoring Profile more Attractive Hi guys, in today`s article we are going to give you an answer to a frequently asked question : How to make my tutoring profile more attractive? To make your tutoring profile more attractive follow these simple steps: Fill in your tutoring profile with detailed information about your education, tutoring experience, learning style, professional background and awards. Any information that contributes to your image of as experienced and qualified tutor will appeal to your prospective clients. Make sure to select all subjects you are qualified in. Emphasize your primary subjects in your Personal Statements. It is not necessary to upload a photo but it is highly recommended. Moderate your tutoring fee. Tutors with too high or unreasonably low fees usually get fewer requests from the students. Correctly update time and days when you are free to take new tuition assignment. Once all the above things are added, it will make your profile complete and will get higher visibility, ranking and higher chances to get more students. Make your tutoring profile at TutorZ more attractive and  get more students now. Wish you all the Best!!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Common Core and School Math

Common Core and School Math Common Core and School Math The goal of the Common Core State Standards is to ensure that students will be college- and career-ready in their skills and knowledge by the end of high school. A secondary purpose is to have consistent criteria of grade-level expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics across states. In the 2015-2016 school year, 42 states are officially utilizing the Common Core standards in math, but this is expected to decrease as some states have repealed the standards. The shared learning goals do not constitute a national curriculum. They are a list of the skills students need to know by the end of specific grade levels from K-12. The standards do not explain how content should be taught nor do they recommend what materials to use. Each state and/or school district decides what school curriculum and sequence of skills to develop in order to comply with the state standards. Because schools use different curriculums, how concepts are taught may vary widely in neighboring school districts. The Common Core standards for math were designed using the following guidelines. Rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, it aims for teachers to narrow and deepen their math focus. The key domains, algebra and geometry, are introduced as early as kindergarten and are featured throughout the grades. Other important domains are measurement, numbers, operations, functions, statistics, probability, and modeling. These standards are intended to be cohesive by connecting topics from year to year. The standards aim to rigorously teach with equal weight: conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application of mathematical ways of thinking. To achieve these aims, word problems are embedded throughout the school grades, and children are expected to explain why their answers are correct. Children learn a variety of ways to solve a problem, and calculator usage is widespread. Some critics say schools have lost sight of the Common Core aims to develop procedural skills and fluency as calculation ability is no longer emphasized in the classroom. You might also be interested in: Common Core and School English Language Arts Booklist to Celebrate Chinese Culture How is Kumon Different from School Math? These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon Common Core and School Math Common Core and School Math The goal of the Common Core State Standards is to ensure that students will be college- and career-ready in their skills and knowledge by the end of high school. A secondary purpose is to have consistent criteria of grade-level expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics across states. In the 2015-2016 school year, 42 states are officially utilizing the Common Core standards in math, but this is expected to decrease as some states have repealed the standards. The shared learning goals do not constitute a national curriculum. They are a list of the skills students need to know by the end of specific grade levels from K-12. The standards do not explain how content should be taught nor do they recommend what materials to use. Each state and/or school district decides what school curriculum and sequence of skills to develop in order to comply with the state standards. Because schools use different curriculums, how concepts are taught may vary widely in neighboring school districts. The Common Core standards for math were designed using the following guidelines. Rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, it aims for teachers to narrow and deepen their math focus. The key domains, algebra and geometry, are introduced as early as kindergarten and are featured throughout the grades. Other important domains are measurement, numbers, operations, functions, statistics, probability, and modeling. These standards are intended to be cohesive by connecting topics from year to year. The standards aim to rigorously teach with equal weight: conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application of mathematical ways of thinking. To achieve these aims, word problems are embedded throughout the school grades, and children are expected to explain why their answers are correct. Children learn a variety of ways to solve a problem, and calculator usage is widespread. Some critics say schools have lost sight of the Common Core aims to develop procedural skills and fluency as calculation ability is no longer emphasized in the classroom. You might also be interested in: Common Core and School English Language Arts Booklist to Celebrate Chinese Culture How is Kumon Different from School Math? These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon

4 Common Questions Students Have About Renters Insurance

4 Common Questions Students Have About Renters Insurance Image via: What is renters insurance? Let’s start with the basics here. What the heck is renters insurance? While tuition insurance protects tuition and flood insurance protects flood damage, renters insurance protects your possessions in the event of theft, loss, or other forms of damage. Renters insurance can be broken into three different categories: personal property coverage, liability coverage, and additional living expenses coverage. Personal property coverage may help you cover the cost of replacing stolen, damaged, or lost items. For instance, if a house fire should destroy your home, the personal property coverage aspect of renters insurance will protect your lost items and allow you to replace them for a reduced cost, or no cost at all. Liability coverage has your back when someone is injured inside of your home. Picture this: your friend stumbles and trips over your coffee table, severely injuring themselves. Liability coverage is there to cover the medical expenses and/or protect you from being sued. Finally, additional living expenses coverage covers you when your place of residence is no longer fit to live in. For instance, if your apartment building burned down, the additional living expenses coverage aspect of renters insurance would cover the lodging bills and living expenses that would not normally exist if you were living in your home. Tl;dr: Renters insurance has your back when other insurances do not. What does renters insurance cover? Renters insurance technically can cover anything and everything. It covers your personal belongings that are at risk for being damaged, stolen, or lost. Remember your stolen bicycle? Renters insurance has your back. Remember the objects that were stolen from your home? Renters insurance has your back. Remember your torched home? Renters insurance has your back. As long as you have renters insurance on your important items, you will have nothing to fear should something go wrong. Image via: How much will renters insurance cost me? While the price tag may always seem like a deal breaker, renters insurance is cheaper than you may think! Insuring your items typically costs about $188 per year, which is a little over $15 a month (that’s the equivalent of a dinner out and about on the town!). If you are still doubtful, think of it this way: you would almost definitely have to pay more to replace your things without insurance. For the cost of around $15 per month, you could have the peace of mind that if something should happen to your belongings, your home, or someone in your home you will not be faced with an egregious amount of financial charges. What could have cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace may only cost you something as large as $100. If you ask me, that is a fair deal indeed. Do I really need renters insurance? Well, do you ever really need an umbrella or sneakers? No. You can get by without them, but certain aspects of life become a lot simpler with them in your possession. The same goes for renters insurance. You never really need to be prepared, but it helps. In a world where crime and accidents run amok, there is never  such a thing as being too careful. Renters insurance is simply an affordable, accessible, and beyond helpful tool at your disposal. While you do not necessarily need renters insurance, you need to be safe; safety and peace of mind is what renters insurance has to offer you.

Organical Chemistry Tutor

Organical Chemistry TutorIf you are a chemistry student who wishes to learn inorganic chemistry with its usual units of measurement, but would like to use the innovative methodology of the organic chemistry tutor then you need to keep in mind that this is a whole new way of measuring properties of things. Although units of measurement are still used, you will still be doing the science in your own way. The syllabus as well as the way of teaching can still be the same, but the way of understanding it can be totally different. I am sure you will find out that even after being exposed to the new approach you will still need a considerable amount of time to assimilate it all and come up with good synthesis with the help of the organic chemistry tutor.As the organic chemistry tutor teach the course from a completely different angle, the syllabus is not always the same. Since the physics and chemistry have become completely different sciences, so you cannot follow the methods which have be en followed till now. However, this is a fast-changing world and for that reason most of the students will pick up on different methods. Because of the swift change in the chemical sciences and their pace of development, many students would rather concentrate on one field than the other.When you get the organic chemistry tutor, he will support you in the learning process and he will teach you in the right manner. To get the best of the time, you should learn more about the textbook and the particular area of chemistry in general, before approaching the tutor.The organic chemistry tutor will guide you step by step and he will help you do the important part of getting the syllabus that matches your science background. So, instead of starting the course off with a book that is right from the start, you will just need to remember how to cope with the integral ideas of the book. While the traditional book would not help you learn what you need to learn, the organic chemistry tutor will h elp you learn all the parts of the book including the integral aspects.For example, you would require knowing a little about electrochemistry, metal alloys, and organic solvents as all the science parts you are required to know. The organic chemistry tutor will teach you in a manner that you can easily absorb all the parts. To help you in this task, he would explain all the important aspects and help you understand the new aspects.He will guide you in the fundamental parts of the organic chemistry and also give you the crucial key for you to learn the new techniques for you. Once you are fully trained, you can move on to the next level of organic chemistry.The organic chemistry tutor teaches you in the right way and guides you through all the phases of the subject. Inorganic chemistry is always a difficult subject and it requires the concentration and attention of the student to do the right work. The organic chemistry tutor helps in this and he will make your work easier.

What Is the Legal Issues Related to Tutoring?

What Is the Legal Issues Related to Tutoring?As a professional tutor, what are the legal issues related to tutoring? The field of tutoring is a booming business and there are many people who would like to be in the tutoring business for the sake of earning some extra money. However, all these actions can have bad effects on your life especially if you do not know what you are doing.To avoid any such pitfalls, it is very important to know the details of the legal issues related to tutoring. It is also a good idea to protect yourself from any unnecessary harassment by the people you have taken the tutoring job from. As a good student, you will not mind at all if the tutors you got from have wronged you as well.To keep yourself safe from the legal issues, all you need to do is hire a tutor for his or her services. You must have some basic knowledge about tutoring as they can help you to a great extent. They can guide you about the various legal aspects of tutoring. If you really want to find a good tutor, you can try calling some tutors or asking around if you find anyone who is willing to give a free trial teaching.When you choose a tutor, you need to make sure that he or she is reliable and highly experienced. You can find them through word of mouth or online as these two ways are much safer than calling the school and finding out who will be there to teach you. If you choose a tutor who is new to the field, you may be wasting your time and money. As a newbie, he or she may not be able to give you all the required information about the law of tutoring.Another way to find a tutor is to go to an office where they offer tutoring as their main business. However, there are some times when the teachers of the school you had taken the interview with are not interested in continuing their services. So, you should go ahead and make your choice wisely. Remember, you are doing this in order to earn some extra money.Do not worry, if you are searching for a lawyer or a psych ologist who can help you find the answers to the legal issues related to tutoring. However, the legal issues related to tutoring are usually best dealt with the help of a lawyer. That is why it is very important that you do not choose a tutor without knowing any of the legal issues related to tutoring. There are many individuals who are able to do this job.However, if you have no chance of finding one, you can always research the legal issues related to tutoring. All you need to do is to look for a legitimate website that will answer all your queries about tutoring. Remember, your safety is the most important thing. Never agree to a tutoring session if you do not trust your tutor enough.

Online Tutoring is an effective Method to find Information as well as Education and learning.

Online Tutoring is an effective Method to find Information as well as Education and learning. 0SHARESShare Online tutoring gives students an opportunity to take education and access information in new and advanced type of learning environment that is guaranteed to improve   their grades. It facilitates learning where students can access tutor in personal and exclusive atmosphere where the learning process is taken place easily and conveniently. It is effective method to find information, learn new things relevant to their academics. Online tutoring sites utilize state-of-art multimedia tools, sophisticated e-learning techniques and advanced online classroom where certified online tutors are ready to help students round the clock with any aspect of education. Tutoring is like step-by-step process that begins with solid foundation and move forward building a complete house. The tutors not only fortify root of knowledge in the subject but build confidence. When it comes to Maths tutoring online, the subject is learnt sequentially where major points build one on the other. Familiarity of prior information in sequence is bridge to more complex concepts that follows. Till student do not understand the basics, the same is not ready to handle on what is currently being taught in the classroom. Repetition is mother of skill which dump information into student memory that long last. Science tutors makes learning easy with lot of repetition and practice. They identify patterns in the information that can be easily grasped by the student. Online tutors help student with comprehension, vocabulary, spellings, note-taking, writing papers. They form right study habits, make them self-dependent and develop skills that remove clutter from their minds. With online tutoring, taking education is like game with lot of proven tutoring pedagogy, true care with undivided attention of tutors and instill thoughts that ensure student academic success. [starbox id=admin]

Great Writers to Learn German

Great Writers to Learn German How to Learn German? Learn from the Best Novelists ChaptersDiscover Classical German Literature with GoetheDiscover German Thrillers with SüskindDiscover German Philosophy with Thomas MannDiscover Children’s Literature with the Brothers GrimmDiscover War Literature with Stefan ZweigFor any scholar wanting to learn a foreign language and become bilingual, reading literature is one of the most effective techniques. The same is true if you want to learn German.Students learning Deutsch should consider reading aloud, listening to audio books, or even saying certain terms themselves so that they can practice the pronunciation themselves.  German literature includes some of the most famous works in the world!Discovering German literature can help students improve in the language as well as learning about it and the accompanying culture. Put simply, if you want to Speak German, you have to read German.If you're not familiar with German literature, here are some of the German writers you have to read! This list includes a variety of write rs that are well known in most German speaking countries and includes poets, novelists, and even literary works that you may be more familiar with as Disney films! SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDiscover Classical German Literature with GoetheWriting StyleJohann Wolfgang von Goethe is one of German literature’s most prominent figures. As both a writer and a statesman, Goethe had a huge influence on German literary cultur e. Anyone doing German studies will probably hear about his linguistic prowess.  His writing is as synonymous with German as Shakespeare is with English.Goethe’s first written work was published in 1773 and most German schools study him. Goethe tried to explore German culture in its entirety. He was also a proponent of the Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) Romantic movement of the late 18th century.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was simultaneously a:PoetNovelistPlaywrightPhilosopherDiplomatStatesmanArt TheoristScientistBotanist, etc.The romantic author aimed to bring fiction and philosophy together in all his works in order to expose the 18th-century European way of thinking. As an opponent of the French Revolution, Goethe was controversial, especially when it came to sensitive topics like suicide.Goethe was so famous that the German cultural institute is named after him. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Goethe inspired a number of English and German writers in the 1790s and is often consi dered as the precursor to the Romantic movement.Not content with just writing simple prose, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe explored a number of literary styles including autobiographies, essays, scientific studies, and even poetry. The Goethe Institut, which promotes the German language and culture, is named after the man.Famous WorksSome of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s most famous works include:Faust, Part OneFaust, Part TwoThe Sorrows of Young WertherEgmontTorquato TassoPrometheusElective AffinitiesWilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, etc.The Sorrows of Young Werther is considered as one of German literature’s most important works. Covering the woes of a young suicidal man, the novel was controversial at the time. In fact, suicide was against the morals of the bourgeoisie and the book was considered immoral and subjected to heavy criticism from the bourgeoisie of the time.The book even inspired “Werther Fever” in Europe in which men dressed like the protagonist and women like Cha rlotte, his sweetheart.Discover German Thrillers with SüskindWriting StylePatrick Süskind is a contemporary German author. He was born in 1949 and studied at the University of Munich before moving to Paris where he started writing his first works.Patrick Süskind was and remains a secretive writer and only gave interviews to speak about his work. Süskind was inspired in French towns and often used it as the backdrop to his works. He explained that he found 18th century France attractive as it was the birthplace of “modern man”.Perfume was adapted for the big screen in 2006 with Ben Whishaw playing Grenouille. (Source: Uva Rova)His works often mix fiction and historicity. To describe the society of the time, Süskind often uses extensive narratives that expose the protagonists’ feelings.Famous WorksPerfume is undoubtedly Patrick Süskind’s most popular work and one of the most important works of the 20th century.His other important works include:Perfume: The Story of a Mur dererThe PigeonThe Story of Mr. SommerOn Love and DeathMaître Mussard's BequestThe Double BassA Battle, etc.Perfume covers the history of Grenouille, a French orphan with an exceptional sense of smell. Guided by his nose, Grenouille starts killing those whose smells are particularly powerful. The novel is often seen as a allegory of Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.Learn more about German culture... or take German courses London. SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1 st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDiscover German Philosophy with Thomas MannWriting StyleBorn in 1875, Thomas Mann is one of the world’s most famous German writers. He’s part of the German language’s history. The novelist won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929 and was inspired by Goethe, Schopenhauer. and even Nietzche.  Thomas Mann criticised the German and European way of thinking by modernising biblical and classical literature.His writing was highly symbolic and Mann tended to provide an glimpse into the individual psychology of his protagonists. Mann was without a doubt a humanist but he also deeply believed in humanity’s downfall. He was considered to have pioneered modern literature’s decadence.Through his writing, Mann tried to protect human values and fight against the extremism of the time.Famous WorksThomas Mann was responsible for a number of famous German novels including:The Magic MountainDeath in VeniceThe Holy SinnerBuddenbrooksJoseph and His Broth ersTristanRoyal HighnessConfessions of Felix KrullTonio KrögerThe Magic Mountain remains one of the most influential novels in German literature. Mann explores themes like time, illness, death, and even seduction.  Each character is an allegory: Settembrini represents humanism, Naphta radicalism, Ziemssen duty.Learn German online for more inspiration about German authors.Discover Children’s Literature with the Brothers GrimmWriting StyleBorn in 1785 and 1786, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were linguists and philologists famous for their fairy tales.The two brothers, who were interested in the German language, created grammar manuals in order to help their young compatriots learn about sentence and word formation.They were also really influential in linguistics and created a dictionary! Jacob Grimm also studied Germanic languages and the First Germanic Sound Shift is more commonly known as Grimm's Law.Unlike modern dictionaries, the Grimm dictionary also included the history and evoluti on of each word over time. This massive work unfortunately remains unfinished since the brothers underestimated the size of the task.The Brothers Grimm decided to create their own fairy tales in order to get adults interested in German literature and improve literacy.Most people are familiar with the Disney version of Cinderella but have you read the Grimm version? (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Grimms’ Fairy Tales were never really intended for children. In fact, it’s only through being heavily censored that they were even told to children. Themes like nature, cruelty, and violence were lifted from the works in order to make them more suitable for children.However, Grimms’ Fairy Tales also comment on the societal problems of 17th century Germany.Famous WorksThanks to Disney adaptations, everyone is familiar with their fairy tales.Some of their most famous fairy tales include:CinderellaBeauty and the BeastHansel and GretelThe Princess and the FrogSleeping BeautyTom ThumbSnow White Little Red Riding HoodRapunzelReading the original Grimm version can help learners discover simple German vocabulary and accessible language.  By reading familiar stories, you can improve your German as well as discover the differences.Hansel and Gretel is another one of the famous Grimm fairy tales. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Discover War Literature with Stefan ZweigWriting StyleBorn in the late nineteenth century in Austria, Stefan Zweig is one of the most famous contemporary German writers and was at the height of his career in the early twentieth century.The Austrian writer of Jewish heritage was particularly affected by his personal experience during the First World War where he was in the army. The violent scenes that he witnessed can be seen in his texts. His writing became more violent, as did the writing of others at the time.Zweig’s work includes themes such as social exclusion, physical and moral violence, repression, and psychology. Zweig was also very close friends wi th the psychologist Sigmund Freud who inspired him in creating his characters.  Zweig is an author you should know if you’re wanting to impress the German authorities and pass a German citizenship test.The author’s tragic demise may have also played a role in the popularity of his works. Traumatised by the Second World War, Zweig lost faith in humanity and decided to commit suicide with his partner Lotte in 1942.Famous WorksSome of Zweig’s most popular works include:Confusion of FeelingsJourney into the PastThe Royal GameFearTwenty-Four Hours in the Life of a WomanForgotten DreamsBeware of PityThe RefugeeZweig’s works are particularly useful for discovering the German language. In fact, most of his stories of novellas meaning you can discover most of his most important works in just a few hours of reading.Furthermore, Zweig’s writing is available to everyone since it’s been public domain since 2013.Remember that reading German literature can really help those learning Ge rman and is a gateway to discovering the culture, too!